2019_2_10 春茗活动点滴 Happy Lunar New Year




  首先由湘林老师(Linda)表演古筝,一曲高山流水,再奏笑傲江湖,绕梁三日。绰号温哥华谭咏麟的Alex Chen及其妹妹陈小姐高歌助兴亦使晚宴生色不少。由关志波理事设计的顺德有奖问答游戏,既有娱乐性又可让新一代年青人认识顺德,增进对家乡感情。压轴游戏当然是大抽奖,得奖乡亲拿到丰富礼物或现金利是,为新春开了个头彩!随后,副会长尤子明向大家介绍了顺德联谊会的组织架构,包括妇女部,青年部和耆英部,阐明了各部工作范畴及职责。席间,卑斯省贸易厅厅长周炯华到来,并发表了热情洋溢的讲话,对顺德联谊会和顺德商会成立以来,所做的成绩和影响力给予充分肯定。理事、顾问及嘉宾们也纷纷上台合照,愿两会不断发展,争取更大进步。


A season of beginnings, spring is a time for celebrations. February 10, 2019 marked the establishment of the fourth Vancouver Shunde Benevolent Association and the second Vancouver Shunde Business Association Chamber of Commerce Council. Despite the inclement weather, members still journeyed out and attended with anticipation for this splendid celebration.

At the start of the banquet, the Head Secretary of our Association, Mr. He, introduced the members of the council, whom then hosted the roasted pig cutting ceremony which symbolizes good luck and abundance for all the members and families in attendance. The lion dance and music of the gong that followed set an exciting mood for the night, triggering rounds of applause and cheers. Mr. Alex Li, the executive vice president, and Mr. Samuel Yau, vice president of the Vancouver Shunde Benevolent Association provided a welcoming speech and introduced the association’s organization, purpose and upcoming events, while recounting the successful 11th World Conference of the Shunde Worldwide Friendship Association of the past year.

Many important figures honoured us with their attendance, including Hon. George Chow, a Member of Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, whom congratulated the association for their achievements and encouraged the continuation of commitment. It was a night of bonding between members and families, delicious meals, entertaining performances, and engaging activities with prizes. There were especially memorable performances from Ms. Linda Lim, who played melodic guzheng pieces, and Alex Chen and his sister, Ms. Chen, who sang some classic Chinese pop hits. The banquet came to an end with Mr. Samuel Yau, representing the Association to thank the donors, volunteers, and guests for their contribution in the success of the event. It was a fun filled night to remember.

理事会成员 Council Member
宴会场地 Banquet venue
醒狮表演 Lion dancers
嘉宾与醒狮队 Lion dancers poses for a photo with members of the council and honoured guests
本会秘书长介紹理事会成员 Head secretary introducing the new council members
李世勋副会长致序词 Vice president Mr. Alex Li presents the opening speech
理事会祝酒 Council members presenting a toast
理事们与嘉宾合照 Members of the council group photo
会员陈小姐表演唱歌 Ms. Chen performing a song 
古箏表演 Guzheng performance
幸运大抽奖 Lucky draw
向来宾们祝酒 toast the guests;
周炯华省议员出席晚宴 Hon. George Chow, a Member of Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, with Vice President Mr. Samuel Yau
尤子明常务副会长致感谢词 Vice President Mr. Samuel Yau presents the ending speech