本会积极参与社区抗疫,经国会议员黃陈小萍女士及顾问黃展斌顾先生安排,本会筹备搓手消毒液一千二百多瓶,连同东莞莞商会庾副会长医疗口罩一萬五千个,捐赠菲沙河谷卫生局。今早在本会会址,与菲沙河谷卫生局代表,卑诗省临床与支持服务协会,医疗物资供应链副总裁Melinda Mui 女士进行简单而隆重的抗疫医疗物资交接仪式。菲沙河谷卫生局向本会颁发感谢状,陆林城会长代表本会接函。另外,国会议员黃陈小萍女士也代表国会向本会领发了感谢状。本会的尤子明常务副会长负责此次抗疫医疗物资海运工作,他为抗疫物资的顺利抵温,出关和交接,做出无私的奉献。希望我们继续努力工作,继续支援我们会员和社区抗疫工作。
(温哥华顺德联谊会 – 尤子明撰文)
Our association actively participated in community epidemic prevention. Under the arrangement of the Vancouver Shunde Benevolent Association’s consultants, Ms. Alice Wong and Mr. Benny Wong, our association prepared more than 1200 bottles of hand sanitizer, which we donated with the 15000 medical masks prepared by the vice president of Canada Dongguan Entrepreneurs Federation, Mr. Chi Shing Yu, on May 2020 for the purpose of the COVID-19 Emergency Plan. The donations were received by Ms. Melinda Mui, the Vice President, Supply Chain at BC Clinical & Support Services Society (BCSS), who represented the Provincial Health Services Authority. A simple, yet grand handover ceremony was held, in which the Provincial Health Services Authority presented a letter of thanks to the Vancouver Shunde Benevolent Association President Lu Lincheng and Mr. Chi Shing Yu.
Hon. Dr, Ms. Alice Wong PC MP, also presented a letter of thanks to our president, Lu Lincheng, who received it on behalf of Vancouver Shunde Benevolent Association. Our vice president, Samuel Yau, was responsible for the shipping of the medical materials to Vancouver and thus also received a letter of thanks for his contribution. We hope our members will continue to fight against the COVID-19, and we will continue to support the community and members.
Reported by: E.V.P. Samuel Yau