理事会成员首先带头捐助$6900,其后各会员亦积极响应,共筹善款达九千多元,亦有会员捐出新玩具,新衣服、新鞋袜、新童装等物资,我们经过与Abbotsford 食物银行代理人商讨后,为了减少行政成本,温哥华顺德联谊会决定,按照食物银行清单,组织义工,自行购买应急物资,直接送达当地,这样既可以减少省行政开资又能即刻将物资送达居民手中。临近圣诞节,很多受影响儿童仍然暂居教堂,本会还购买了部分玩具作为圣诞礼物,赠与儿童。
(温哥华顺德联谊会 – 尤子明撰文)
Members of the Council first took the lead in donating $6900. Later, members also responded positively, raising a total of more than$ 9000. Some members also donated new toys, new clothes, new shoes and socks, new children’s clothes and other supplies. After connecting with one of the coordinators at Abbotsford Archway Foodbank, our volunteers made the effort to purchase food items according to the Foodbank’s most needed list, and organized to have all the donations brought directly to the Foodbank and their affiliated organizations. With the flood, many families have not only lost their homes and resided in temporary shelters, but they have also lost all their life belongings. As the holidays are approaching, an increasing amount of families have applied for Christmas gift support for their children. With this in mind, our association also purchased toys and winter clothing to help support these families and hope that more children can have an enjoyable season.
Reported by: E.V.P Samuel Yau